Brilliant Way to Decorate Your Stairs

  Always thought of your stairs as a necessary but wasted space in your home? Now you can do something about that, and we have made it so easy for you. We found someone who produce stunning, durable, imagery in sizes designed to fit your stairway and provide a dramatic accent to your room! All […]

Design of Stairs – Video Tutorial

1) How to find out riser in Staircase 2) How to find out NOs of Tread in Staircase Nos of Riser = Total Hight of wall / Flight / Hight of Riser Nos of Treads = Total Nos of Risers – 1 For the comfortable staircase we have to take the angel from 25 to […]


A number of different design methods have been used for reinforced concrete construction. The three most common are working-stress design, ultimate-strength design, and strength design method. Each method has its backers and supporters. For actual designs the latest edition of the ACI Code should be consulted. Beams Concrete beams may be considered to be of […]

Bridge Engineering – Components of Bridge Structures

A bridge refers to a structure that arranges a passage over a hurdle devoid of closing the way underneath. The necessary passage will be intended for a road, a railway, pedestrians, a canal or a pipeline. The hurdle to be spanned may be a river, a road, railway or a valley. Categorization of Bridges Category […]

Design specifications for footings following IS 456: 2000

As per standard IS 456: 2000, the following guidelines are given for the design of isolated footings :- The objective of Footings is to retain the applied loads, moments and forces and the driven reactions and make sure that any prospective settlement is as almost undeviating as possible, and the safe bearing capacity of the […]

Very useful construction tips to design a rectangular beam

This construction video sifts through the phases which are essential to create the design of a rectangular beam. The total steps are divided as follow :- The first step – Process for detecting the depth of beam :- The Formula for Depth of beam is = l/16 (Here l stands for the length or span […]

Designing a Staircase with Proper Tread and Riser

Staircase construction as the most complicated job from all and the most math needed sequence from the process, needs a lot of experience and knowledge for construction. Even it seems easy when you have the treads and risers but actually it isn’t. The video bellow shows a staircase design with all numerical details included and […]

Structural Design Process

The whole procedure of structural planning  and configuration requires creative energy and applied thinking as well as in-depth knowledge of handy perspectives, for example, newest outline codes and bye-laws, upheld by sufficient experience, establishment and judgment. It is underscored that any structure to be developed must fulfill the need productivity for which it is proposed […]