Do’s & Don’ts While Concreting

Concrete consists of different materials, which have different functions .The properties of concrete depends on the particular mixture of constituents. The basic constituents used to make concrete are cement, lime, water and aggregate. Do’s 01. Do hire an experienced contractor for successful concreting operation. 02. Also see that the main/general contractor hire good skilled sub/labour contractor […]

Concrete Mix Design Excel Sheet

  Concrete Mix Design Mix Design It is a process of selecting suitable ingredients and determining their relative proportions with the objective of producing concrete of having certain minimum workability, strength and durability as economically as possible. Requirements of concrete mix design The requirements which form the basis of selection and proportioning of mix ingredients are : a […]

Estimating sheet for road construction

Terrain and soil conditions, road standards, machine and labor costs etc. are considered as the prime factors which can change the road construction cost significantly. Besides, the skills of the associated operators and labors are also affected. As the road construction systems are identical all through the globe, one can effortlessly develop rational cost estimates […]

Building Materials Cost Estimate Sheet

To determine an accurate building materials cost estimate, the estimator should take into consideration various factors.   Different building components like roof, wall, floor etc.; items required like rebar, stud, paint, etc.; materials such as steel, pine, vinyl, etc.; the size and description of the items along with its estimated quantity and unit cost are […]

12 Highest Paying Countries for Civil Engineers

The 12 highest paying countries for civil engineers have embraced the relatively new field and its importance in the economy of a country. While the work carried out by civil engineers is one of the most ancient professions, having to do with construction, its recognition as a separate field from other forms of engineers is still relatively […]