Basic Concepts Every Civil Engineer Should Know


Safety shoud be a top priority : Always wear protection helmets and protection shoes on construction site.

Learn to measure any structural member correctly : Always carry a measuring tape of 3m or 5m with you. measurement is an crucial parameter in numerous elements.

Productive conversation is a top key to connect : construction site is filled with people who have unique level of communication, from a labor to project manager. Learn how to persuade people.

Stay focused : Little carelessness can cause you terrible reputation. Constantly be aware of your work. Be present.

Gaining knowledge of engineering drawing : Civil engineering students must have excellent sense of imagination. It may look complicated but with practice absolutely everyone can do it.

Calculations : Microsoft excel , calculation of Bar bending schedule , costing estimation are later components to be learned but they are very important throughout engineering career.

Learn conversion of units : On construction site while reading engineering plans , centre line plan , floor plan everything is read in millimetre. But occasionally we stumble upon feets, inches, meters . So it is very essential to understand the conversion of units.