In this Article today I will teach you that how to calculate quantity of cement , sand and aggregate in concrete column. after reading this article you will be able to find out the materials in slab m beam and also for Concrete road. We used here the same formula for find out the quantity of beam and slab etc. But there just change the shape and dimension, otherwise it the same thing. Lets start the quantity.

Given Data for Square column:

this is the top and front section of column.

Size of column = 300 mm x 300 mm

Height of column = 3 meter.

In this column we will use the M20 grade of concrete (which Ratio is 1:1.5:3) sum of ratio become = 5.5

where : 1 is Cement , 1.3 is Sand and 3 is aggregate. ( M20 grade of concrete compressive strength is 20N/mm2 after 28 day).

Now we have to find out Volume of Column = V = L x L x H = 300 x 300 x 3000 = 0.27m3

Remember the above volume of column is “Wet volume” now we will convert it to dry volume which can be obtain with multiplying 1.54.

Dry volume = wet volume x 1.54 =  0.4158 m3

Now from this dry volume we can find out the volume of cement , Sand and aggregate in concrete column.

I have already discussed Concrte ratio for M20 grade of concrete.

Volume of cement = V = 1/5.5 x dry volume

= V = 1/5.5  x 0.4158

= V =  0.0756 m3

Now convert the cment volume to bags.

so use the this formula,

Volume of cement / Volume of one cement bag in m3                      Note : Volume of Cement bag = 0.0347

0.0756 / 0.0347 =  2.17 bags of cement are required for above column.


Volume of Sand  = V = 1.5/5.5 x dry volume

= V = 1.5/5.5  x 0.4158

= V =  0.1134 m3


Volume of Aggregate  = V =  3/5.5 x dry volume

= V = 3/5.5  x 0.4158

= V =  0.2268 m3

This the formula to find out the quantity for different materials in the column , slab , beam or lintel beam and Concrete road etc. so it site we used for the concrete quantity the same formula, which i have used in this example of concrete quantity in column.

Note: If you want to find out he quantity of materials in circular column so in circular column we have different formula to find out the volume of column for  materials  suppose: if we take the Dia of circular column 1ft than we can use the given formula to find out column volume. so first we need to fine the area of circular column and than volume of column.

Area formula for circular column.

A = π r²          or      A = (π/4) × D2

Volume formulas for circular column:

V = A x h      where   A for Area of column  and  h for height of column.

After to find the volume we can use the same for formula like in square column to find the materials in rrc column.

Written by: Engr Sami Ullah    Source